Thursday 10 July 2014

Welcome to AMM2O1

Hello Music and Computers Students,
Welcome to JCI's first AMM2O1 course! This year you will be making music, analyzing music, and learning to read and understand music through technology.

Check this blog at the beginning of each class for instructions and assignments. 

For this course, you will need a USB key for each class to make a backup of your work.  Your school H drive can be unreliable and we don't want to lose any of your creations!

Headphones will be provided to you in class, but you may bring your own if you like.

A few basic rules:
  • There is absolutely no food, drink or gum is allowed in the classroom.
  • This is a shared lab. The room must be left in better condition at the end of each class than it was at the beginning. 
  • Demonstrate respect for the equipment that you share with your classmates. 
  • Any misuse or poor treatment of lab equipment may result in removal of lab privileges. 

1. First of all, I need to know a little bit about you.  Your first task is to complete this online survey.  The results will be kept confidential.
Student Information Survey

2. The "Soundtrack of My Life" assignment will give me an insight into your musical tastes and interests.  Complete the list of songs with artist names on the project sheet to be handed out.  Explain in a full sentence why you chose each song for each situation.  You MUST put the full and correct song name and recording artist name for each song.  You will be evaluated on the completeness of your assignment.  You may use online resources to complete this assignment in class.

3. Learning to read music is a very important element of this course.  You will complete written worksheets as well as online music theory assignments that can be found in the "Music Theory" tab at the top of the blog.  Complete each lesson and exercise before going on to the next.