Monday 1 June 2015

Submitting your Project


  1. Read and complete the checklist.  This is your final check to see if everything is done.  DO NOT simply put a Y beside each question.  You get no marks for completing the checklist with "Y"s.  
  2. Make a New Folder. Give the folder a title like this: YOUR NAME Final Project
  3. In Mixcraft File Menu select Copy Project Files to... Folder. Select your new folder.  
  4. Say yes to Copying the files and No to copying library.  Say yes to the final dialog box.  
  5. Into this folder place the MP3 version of the project and the planning sheet.
  6. Answer the reflection questions below in a word document and submit them in the Course Reflection folder.
Course Reflections Questions: Be specific.
  1. What element of this course did you find most interesting or enjoyable?
  2. What element of this course did you find most challenging?
  3. What would you like to have learned or experienced in this course that we didn't do or learn?
  4. What element of this course would you omit for the students next year?
  5. What other suggestions or comments would you like to share as the first students at Jarvis to do this course?