Thursday 27 November 2014

Independent Creative Project 2 - with MIDI drums

Your next assignment is to complete an Independent Creative Project that fulfills the following basic criteria:
  1. Uses your own MIDI drum beat including minimum 3 drum sounds (bass, snare, cymbal)
  2. Minimum Length 32 bars
  3. Uses a variety of textures (i.e. not every instrument plays at the same time, all of the time.)
  4. Uses a Master Effect of "Compressor" to give it a polished sound. 
  5. All levels are balanced and no sounds go into the RED and distort.
  6. All tracks are labeled.
  7. Mixdown to MP3 and submit an MP3 and Mixcraft file to the folder Independent Creative Project 2.
  8. Due: Wed. Dec 10. 
You may create your own song using Loops from the Library, your own MIDI creations, samples from other songs, audio recordings, and anything you can think of.