Tuesday 5 May 2015

Final Project: Write a Song with Recordings

Your final project will be to write a song that has the following criteria:

  • minimum 2 verses (8 or 12 bars each)
  • minimum 2 choruses (8 or 12 bars each)
  • 1 bridge (8 or 12 bars each)
  • intro of any length
  • melody written in 4 bar phrases using C major scale or C pentatonic scale
  • uses chord progressions in C major (your choice)
  • RH Harmony that is rhythmically interesting
  • Bass Line using root and 5th of each chord (ask Ms. Moynihan to accept other notes in the bass line)
  • Drum kit with minimum 3 parts (kick, snare,cymbal)
  • DIFFERENT TEMPO! No 120 bpm
  • ONE recorded track for a minimum of 1 verse, chorus or bridge
  • minimum one master effect and one effect on one track
  • Intro, Verse 1, Verse 2, Chorus 1, Chorus 2, Bridge, outro, etc. labelled with Markers
  • an ending - no abrupt cut-offs
Your song must demonstrate these ELEMENTS:
  • use of texture
  • clear melody phrases (4 bars each)
  • interesting rhythm patterns in the harmony
  • verse, chorus, and bridge have different harmony
  • interesting rhythms patterns in the bass
  • repeating 1 or 2 bar rhythm pattern in the drums that changes in verse, chorus, bridge
  • careful attention to detail. 
Complete this Google Doc Project Planning Sheet as you go.  

Process Due Dates: 
May 13 - Verse/Chorus/Bridge order and Song Theme
May 21: Chord Progressions and Song Title
June 1; Final Checklist

Total Project Due: June 1

What makes a good Chorus?

  • shorter phrases
  • catchy
  • use fewer notes in melody
  • could be shorter number of bars
  • lyrics remain the same every time you repeat
  • title or "hook" in the chorus
What is the difference between Verse and Chorus?
  • Verse repeats with DIFFERENT lyrics
  • Chorus repeats with the SAME lyrcic
  • Bridge does not repeat and has new lyrics and harmony
Common Song Form: (Verse=A, Chorus=B, Bridge=C)

  • Intro, ABABCB
  • Intro, AABAABCBB
  • Intro, ABABABCB
  • Some start with a Chorus! BABCABB

    The variations on this form are endless.  Be creative!

    Here is a good graphic to help you. Middle 8 is the same as the Bridge.