Monday 5 October 2015

Layers and Textures

Grade 10s and 11s

There are a few important textures in Music

Monophony (Mono=one, phony= sound)
Once voice or instrument sounding a melody alone without accompaniment.


This is most common in popular music.  It consists of a melody sung or played over chords.

This is multiple lines of melody and counter-melody at the same time.

Texture can be thick (many layers of instruments at once) or thin (only a few layers of instruments at once)

  • With a partner, choose a song from an online source
  • Identify the layers of sound that you hear in the first 30 seconds.  
  • Identify what kind of texture it is (monophony, homophonic, or polyphonic) and whether the texture is "THICK" or "THIN" 
  • Use "Paint" or a similar program to map out the texture you hear from each instrument or voice like the image above. 
  • Label you line drawings with instrument names and texture terms
  • Put a timeline across the top in seconds to mark where important textural changes happen.
  • Label your file with your names and the title of the song.   
  • Save as "Your Names Texture Drawing.jpg"  JPEG format
  • Due at the end of class.  Submit to "Texture Drawings" folder.