Wednesday 4 November 2015

Project 4 Drum Beats Assignment

Today we will have an intro to MIDI drums.  Here are the resources you will need after the lesson.
Pay close attention to the lesson.

Record each one of these drum patterns once AND copy and paste it so that it is TWO bars long.

  • Always QUANTIZE to the 1/8 note after recording each part.
  • SLOW down for recording.
  • Press Oct -1 button for the correct sounds on the keyboard
  • Choose the appropriate Drum Kit Sound for each style of music.
  • Label each Track with the correct Drum Kit Pattern and Label each Sound Event box with the correct drum name. 
  • Your Final Project will be 10 bars long for Grade 10s and 16 Bars long for Gr. 11s
  • Speed up the tempo when you are done. 110 bpm is good. 
  • To be completed: Thurs. Nov. 12
  • Submit MX6 file. 

Grade 10s 1-5
Grade 11s 1-8

2. Kick, Snare, Closed Hi Hat Example: Get Lucky- Daft Punk or Can't Get you Outta My Head - Kylie Monogue

3. Kick, Closed Kit Hat

4. Kick, Snare, Closed Hi-Hat

5. Kick, Snare, Crash

Grade 11's do 6 - 8 as well.
6. Ride, Hi Hat Pedal, Rim Knock (stick)  Example: Pink Panther Theme

7. Closed Hi Hat, Kick, Rim Knock (Stick) Example: Buffalo Soldier - Bob Marley


8. Kick, Snare, Closed Hi Hat Example: Rock Me Baby - BB King
Watch out for 3 Hi Hat notes in each beat! Set your quantize settings to"1/8 triplet notes"